Monday, May 21, 2012


For those of you who know me, I've been working on getting a website started to sell my tutus, hair bow accessories, & other creations. It's a PROCESS let me tell you! Since I want to make the right decisions for my family, and in the long run, I've decided to wait until we are SURE we have found the right fit. SO for now, I'm going to use this blog, which I had originally started to talk about ongoing projects, share fun ideas, etc. as kind of my "show room" so to speak. I will probably still use it for my original idea as well since we all know I tend to get a little wordy LOL!

So, in other words be prepared as I plan to get the ball rolling here, but I also ask for a little patients with me as my older two have just started their summer break... SO I'm not quite sure what is in store for me just yet ;)